Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The Defending Water for Life in Maine
campaign is beginning the fall with a new organizer, Ryan Clark from Corinth. He'll be broadening the campaign to reach communities in the North Woods where powerful timber companies like Plum Creek own millions of acres of land, as well as the water below, thanks to state law granting "absolute dominion" over groundwater to landowners. This puts the timber companies in the position of being able to profit from exporting water once global water shortages make it profitable. A proposed East/West superhighway across Maine would make such exports profitable much sooner if this highway is actually built. Because the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, backed up by free trade agreements, makes it illegal to ban exports, getting rid of absolute dominion and replacing it with a robust law protecting groundwater as a public trust is critical to protecting Maine's water. While continuing to assist local communities in their fights against Nestlé/Poland Spring, the campaign will develop a longer-term campaign to end absolute dominion in Maine and to recognize the rights of nature as integral to the public trust. For More Information contact:

Peace. Something that most everyone says we want, yet it remains elusive -- in large part because we don't actively work for it. September 21 is the International Day of Peace, a campaign to bring awareness to the importance of peace, to encourage positive acts of peace, and to offer a day of ceasefire and non-violence worldwide.

It's terrific that the annual Day of Peace is inspiring more acts of compassion and non-violence worldwide. As His Holiness the Dalai Lama says, "We must make every effort for the promotion of peace and inner values." But, as journalist and peace teacher Colman McCarthy says, "Why are we violent, but not illiterate? Because we are taught to read." For more information: